Hey There! My name is Subhash Karthik. Welcome to my personal website. Want to see the growth of an aspiring Data scientist? Then you have come to the right place
I am an aspiring data scientist with a background in electrical engineering. I love asking meaningful questions to examine data and apply intuitive yet complex statistical approaches to solve meaningful data science problems. I have been self-training since december,2017 through online courses and applying learnt concepts on my personal projects which is built upon interesting datasets available at UCI repository, kaggle and other sources.
I am also interested in block chain technologies, how they are revolutionizing the industries by unlocking unprecedented business flexibility, having varied applications and adding significant value by improving confidence between parties.
I recently started this git-hub site to showcase my work and blog about interesting technologies and review important data science concepts. Join me on my journey as I navigate through the tools and knowledge of the trade. I want to be able create meaningful purposeful fulfilling lives and learn how to use that to make impact and a difference in the lives of others. I’m happy to collaborate on interesting ML projects you’re working upon, do contact me and lets sail together on this data science revolution.